User experience solutions for web, mobile
and desktop applications

Project management, visual design and development services are also available

Heuristic Evaluation

A quick, easy and inexpensive evaluation of an existing user interface to identify problems which can be attended to as part of an iterative design process.

Heuristic Evaluation

User Research

User research is a reality check that will inform you on exactly how users interact with your applications, providing a solid foundation on which to build a design.

User Research

Workflows Personas

Personas and workflows help communicate broad research about how archetypal users use your applications and provide key insights into the needs and wants of the larger user group.

Workflows & Personas

Collaborative Design

Collaborative design allows experts on both sides of the table to work together to develop innovative solutions that will meet or exceed the needs and wants of your users.

Collaborative Design

Paper Prototyping

A variation of usability testing where representative users of your application(s) are observed performing realistic tasks using paper-based prototypes of a proposed user interface.

Paper Prototyping

Storyboards Wireframes

Storyboards and wireframes can be used to demonstrate event sequences, workflows and other related interactions between users and systems over time.

Storyboards & Wireframes

Usability Testing

A technique used to evaluate your application's user interface and locate problem areas by observing representative users as they interact with it.

Usability Testing

Design Dev Specs

These specifications may include style guides that define a set of standards for design, development and taxonomy and if used appropriately, promote consistency and clarity throughout applications.

Development & Design Specs

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